Saturday 21 November 2009


This week I learnt how to use Dream weaver in a workshop our media teacher conducted. I had never used it before and so I learnt a lot from the session. My new knowledge will enable me to create the website for my advanced production and hopefully to a fairly high standard. My Photoshop skills were also developed as I learnt not only how to create the different layers for a website but also how to save the layers in a web format that could be used on Dream weaver. The importance of properly labeling my layers and files for storage also became apparent as it made everything much simpler to find when I had to bring the different pictures up on Dream weaver.

In my test run I had 5 layers to work between and was shown how to bring each of these up as individual tabs on the top of the page which made it a lot easier when I was working between the layers. I learnt how to create links between the pages and though very basic, by the end of this session I’d created a website with fully functioning links. There is still a lot of room for development here as I only really learnt the basics so before I really begin creating my website I will do some practice on both Dream weaver and Photoshop to try and advance my skills so that my website will hopefully look professionally done.

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