Tuesday 20 April 2010

Progress Report - Website Production (part 2)

After talking with my lecturer about my original website front page layout I decided to make some changes. The layout was almost too organised with an item top left (title and date), bottom left (photo of actors), top right (tagline) and bottom right (Weymouth College sign). Websites rarely seem follow this perfectly synchronised format unless placing their content in the centre of the screen. Also the idea of choas fits the thriller genre more than that of organisation. The final influencing factor which brought me to the decision of chsnging my layout was the focus of my campaign.

In the marketing of a film, companies will generally either use the title or the date as main branding tools. I had originally planned on using the title hence the larger font on my first draft. In my revised version I have made the date the largest font size and the title the second largest. I have also placed the date in the middle of the screen to show its importance. I then moved the title to the top centre and made it the second largest font size. This shift in focus from the title to the date comes from the trailer and radio advert having some prominent focus on the date being the 21.6.10 (a.k.a. Midsummer's Day).

I also decided to disorganise the lettering and move the tagline in to an off central position in order to provide the feel of chaos. I still wanted it to look professional but feel this layout is more appropriate for a film of the thriller genre.

Finally once all of the main production was completed I decided to make it a real webpage. I placed my front page onto 'Macromedia Dreamweaver' and then put it into a webpage. Following this I had to 'print screen' the top and bottom of the of the page as it needed to scroll down and then put them back together on 'Photoshop'. It was for this stage that I had faded the main image of the college building out using the feathering tool on Photoshop previously as now it blends into the black background used on Dreamweaver and looks professionally done, like it fits.

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