Saturday 20 March 2010

Location Photos from Recce

As part of the pre-production and planning stages for the trailer we carried out a recce in which we took photos of each loaction we were planning to use and drew floor plans of each location. This was done in order to help inform our storyboards and filming plans.

This is the opening shot for the trailer. The camera will tilt down from the sky into an establishing shot of the college. This helps set the scene for the audience as the plinth in the bottom right corner of the picture clearly states it is a college.

This is the second shot in which the two protagonists are introduced to the audience. They will be stood together in the courtyard and the camera will be tilted up at them slightly and will track around them. The outside setting merely sets the scene more clearly for the audience.

This is again the courtyard but from the opposite angle showing some of what the camera will possibly see as it moves around the protagonists.

This is going to be a CCTV style shot of an empty classroom. This is both to further establish the college setting and also to give the audience the impression that the college is empty.

At the end of this hallway we will show the lower half of the male protagonist’s body running from right to left. This is in order to give the audience the impression that he is running from ‘something’ (i.e. the protagonist).

This will be another CCTV style shot in order to give the audience an objective view of the college setting. In this shot the male protagonist will run down the hall towards the camera again to promote the idea he is being chased. We chose this corridor because it is narrow enough to provide focus on the male protagonist as he runs down.

From this position we will be taking two shots. The first will have the female protagonist in and the second won’t. Like many of the other locations the library establishes the college setting thus reinforcing this aspect in the minds of the audience.

In this shot the camera will start just behind the wall and then look out from this position down the corridor at the back of the male protagonist. The camera will then move out into the corridor and go right up to the protagonist in a way that should infer the presence of another being (the antagonist).

This is the same corridor and from this central position the camera will show the male protagonist turn around quickly as a reaction to ‘something’ coming up behind him.

This follows on from the last shot and shows the male protagonist after he has spun round. It will show that there is in fact nothing there just to add to the enigma and thus raise the tension in the minds of the audience.

From this position the male protagonist will be shown coming through the door directly in front of the camera. The room will be dark and he will shine the torch around the room. The idea of this shot is to infer that he is looking for something but at this stage of the trailer the audience won’t know what.

This room will again be pitch black apart from a lamp that will be strategically placed to give some light to the female protagonist who will be tied to a chair. All that will be shown in this shot is the female’s hands tied behind the back of the chair. The idea of integrating this shot with that of the male protagonist searching a room is to imply for the sake of the audience that he is searching for this girl.

From this position the male protagonist will be shown coming through the door directly in front of the camera. The room will be dark and he will shine the torch around the room. The idea of this shot is to infer that he is looking for something but at this stage of the trailer the audience won’t know what.

We will then cut back to the dark room where the girl is tied up. This shot will be an extreme close up of her eyes. It won’t last very long but will again work towards getting the audience to link the male protagonist searching the college and this person being held against their will.

The next shot will be of the male protagonist jogging down the stairs beginning at the top of the flight in the top left corner of the screen and ending as he turns to go down the flight on the bottom right corner of the screen. Again this promotes the idea he is running and hence being chased in order to keep reinforcing the tension in the audience.

This will be a point-of-view shot beginning from around 5-10 yards from the banister and then moving up to it and looking over the edge like the view on the left to see the male protagonist still making his way down the stairs. This will again reinforce the idea that another presence is there which is why the male protagonist is running as it is following him.

In this shot the male protagonist will come through the door at the end and begin to run towards the camera. This is a further continuation of the chase.

The male protagonist will then run past this gap from right to left and turn around to look behind him.

There will then be a number of shots building up to the finale with the camera looking this way down the corridor. First the male protagonist will trip over in order to build the tension as he is losing time in the chase. He will then get up, try the door at the end only to find it’s locked. He will subsequently turn to face the camera and run towards the camera as the camera also tracks towards him like a point-of-view shot. These shots will be done with a variety of shot sizes and cuts to break them up.

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