Friday 26 March 2010

Progress Report - Radio Advert Production

My group are now well into the editing stage of the trailer for the campaign now and we have also completed the pre-production stage of our radio advert. Due to this I booked the recording studio at college about a week ago for today so that we could record the dialogue needed for the radio advert. I had asked two of the boys from our media class if they would be in the radio advert as we needed two males to say the two sections of dialogue. Part of the reason we chose these two was because they were in our class and it was convenient but they are also both competent speakers with voices our group felt would be appropriate for the advert.

We had only used the audio suite once before and so our lecturer had to just quickly refresh our sound engineer on how to use the equipment as it is fairly complex. Once this was done we got the voice artists in and began recording. There are two main sections of dialogue to the advert, the first being a riddle and the second being some information for the audience on the medium of release and the age classification of the film. Due to this we decided to get both of the guys to say both pieces of dialogue. This way we were able to decide at the editing stage which sounded better on which section of dialogue thus hopefully giving us the best quality product possible. There were a few problems such as mobile phone signal’s interfering with the equipment and outside noise occasionally getting too loud. But we sorted these problems out and took several takes of each person saying each line which has given us a high chance of getting what we were looking for.

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