Thursday 25 March 2010

Magazine Cover Draft 2

This is the second draft I drew for my magazine cover.

Draft 2

This draft was drawn later to replace the other draft which went with 'draft 1'. I needed to create one with the new title of the film and the change to the slogan in order to see if everything would still fit as planned. In this draft the characters are placed back-to-back with both looking directly at the camera. This ended up being my desired position for the characters as I felt it showed the right kind of relationship between the characters which was supposed to be one of 'I've got your back'. Whereas when the characters were facing each other it almost looked like a romantic relationship which would have sent out the wrong message with this film being a thriller. Other than this the magazine is the same with all the same article adverts on the cover but in slightly different places at times in order to accomodate the new title etc.

Creating these drafts turned out to be very helpful when it came to actually creating my magazine on Photoshop as I knew exactly what I was doing and didn't have to mess around. It meant that the production stage went fairly quickly and resulted in a product I felt was of good quality and that I was happy with.

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