Thursday 25 March 2010

Progress Report - Voice Over Production

On our trailer the main section of dialogue is going to be a voice over from a speech one of our characters makes. As one of my roles is the screen director I wrote the script for this section of dialogue a week ago or so before this recording session and it had been put on to the storyboards and the dual column script. I booked the recording studio for one of our lessons and we also confirmed this time and date with our actress. The equipment in this studio is very advanced and so our lecturer came in at the beginning to show us how to use it.

Once this was done we gave our actress a quick briefing in order to explain how the dialogue had been designed to be read. The dialogue was planned to be spread across the trailer in sections. In order to help with this I had created a special script in which each line was broken down into the specific segments. We then asked our actress to pause a little between each line of dialogue in order to make it easier to break them up at the editing stage. We took 3 recordings where she ran straight through the script and then after briefing her again got her to repeat a few specific lines which needed a serious tone of voice.

Overall the recording session went very successfully. We met all the pre-agreed times and got all the recordings completed that we required. The only problems we met came from some interference through both outside noise and on one occasion the signal of a mobile phone. We overcame the phone problem by removing them from the area and the outside noise ceased fairly quickly so these problems were resolved.

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