Monday 15 March 2010

Progress report - Production

With all the planning, research and other pre-preduction tasks completed it finally came time for the production of the trailer. During this period my job was to make sure that all parts of the production came together as planned and on schedule as I am the director and screen writer. My time management and planning skills ended up being put to the test early on. To begin with our actress had to reschedule and we ended up only having her for an hour and a half to shoot all her scenes. After shuffling the production time table around abit we managed to get this to work however.

The production stage of the trailer was split over three days. The first part of the production we covered was the dialogue. We used the sound room at college which has all the professional equipment we could have hoped for in order to get a good result.

We took numerous takes of our actress reading the script in order to make sure we had the best chance of getting it right. Some takes for example had distractions such as noises from outside and even the signal from our mobile phones interfering with the quality of the recording. As the script is going to be used in a fairly fragmented manner throughout the trailer we were able to effectively record each line separately so that when it comes to editing we can choose the best version of each line and cut them together.

On the first day of shooting we all met at 3:00pm ready for the planned start at 3:30. I had assigned a certain amount of time for each location as we had to let the college know which parts of the college we were going to be filming in and when. This plan was very helpful in keeping things flowing and turned out to be quite accurate. The early shots took up quite alot of time as we had to get used to the equipment again after a year since last using it. We also had to set the lighting correctly with a lamp in order to get the right ambience for the scene.

Throughout the day we began to get more efficient at setting up the equipment which helped keep things on track. Having detailed storyboards and floor plans of the locations also allowed things to flow smoothly as we new exactly what we were doing when we got to our locations. I used the storyboards throughout the shoot, each time checking that we had filmed what we had planned.

There were a few problems we encountered. The first being the shot in the main college square in which we were tracking around the actors. We did this by using a wheelchair and laying out a rope in a circle in order to keep the camera a constant distance from them.

There were people walking past every now and then which meant we had to wait at times but this wasn't a major problem.

We had scheduled certain particular scenes for later on in the day as we needed these to be shot in the dark.

One of the rooms we had arranged to be opened by the college at 6:15pm was not but thankfully we had the caretakers number at hand and he came and opened it for us which meant we could go ahead with this part of the shoot. The problem we had with some of the later scenes was lighting. We were using a neon torch in order to try and light the areas we needed to film as the neon gives a fairly realistic effect. However it was still hard to get it to not look like a torch, but after a number of takes I feel we managed to get the lighting to a good quality. And this day wrapped up precisely on schedule at 8:00pm.

The second day of filming wasn't as long as we only had four shots to take. We again started on schedule this time at 3:00pm and had very few problems. It did begin to drizzle a very small amount when filming one of the outside shots at one point but we overcame this by sheltering the camera with A4 size writing books. We had arranged certain shots to be filmed later on both days when we needed normally busy locations to be empty and this also worked out as planned. On the whole the shoot was successful and the group was happy with the results.

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