Thursday 25 March 2010

SWOT for Magazine Production

This is a SWOT for my magazine cover production. This is one of two individual tasks I am doing for the coursework and so it includes my personal strengths and weaknesses in this area


  • Experience gained from the workshops held by my lecturer has given me knowledge on how to use the appropriate software Adobe Photoshop.
  • Good at time management which should allow me to put in enough time for each part of the production.
  • I can focus well which should help me to get my work done within the time frame and to a good standard.
  • Good writing skills which allow me to convey my thoughts accurately.


  • Limited experience on Photoshop could lead to a poor quality product.
  • Habit of over thinking can cause time to be lost.
  • Can lack detail in pre-production paperwork such as research.


  • Good software at college such as the newest version of Adobe Photoshop will significantly help me to create professional looking products.
  • Workshops with my lecturer on how to use this software.
  • My lecturer is at hand to help me with any problems.
  • Plenty of real world examples to inform my cover and gain inspiration from.


  • Poor time management could lead to the production being rushed and subsequently affecting the quality.
  • Lack of research informing my productions could cause poor quality.
  • Inadequate equipment such as camera could lead to poor quality photos for the magazine cover.
  • Poor planning might lead to undesired results which affect quality.
  • Work from other subjects taking up too much time.
  • Outside hobbies and activities taking up too much time.

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